Terms and Conditions


Equine Initial Consultation and Chiropractic treatment, Duration 60 minutes, Price £60.

Equine Follow-up Assessment and Chiropractic treatment, Duration 50 to 60 minutes, Price £55

Canine Initial Consultation and Chiropractic treatment, Duration 45 to 60 minutes, Price £50.

Canine Follow-up Assessment and Chiropractic treatment, Duration 45 minutes, Price £45.

For other animals, please enquire about pricing.

Travel Charge

Appointments are subject to a minimal travel charge in respect of travel costs. Travel charge is shared between multiple clients for bookings at a singular location with consecutive appointment times.  

Applicable charges are calculated on the travel distance from the business address (BN8) to the client.

These are as follows: within the 5mile radius £5, between 5 and 10 mile radius £10, between 10 and 15 mile radius £15, between 15 and 20 mile radius £20 and between 20 and 25 mile radius £25.

For distances outside of the 25 mile radius, please contact to discuss the travel charge. 

Multiple Booking Discount

A 10% discount per treatment is applied when treating four or more equine or canine patients at a singular location with consecutive appointment times.

Travel charges still apply.

Monthly Payment Plans

Whether your animal requires regular maintenance or intensive treatment, Sussex Veterinary Chiropractic has a plan that suits your requirements.

Monthly payment plans allow for the cost of a predetermined number of treatments to be distributed over several months. Payments are made through monthly direct debits, providing a convenient, accessible and manageable payment option.

Each payment plan is customised to meet the specific needs of both the owner and the animal, please contact to discuss.  

Veterinary Consent Requirement for Animal Chiropractic Treatment

Animal chiropractic treatment, similar to physiotherapy and osteopathy, is regulated by the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 and the Veterinary Surgery Exemptions Order 2015. These regulations mandate obtaining veterinary consent before initiating any treatment. Sussex Veterinary Chiropractic strictly adheres to these legal requirements.

When you book an initial appointment, a veterinary consent form will be provided. This form must be completed and submitted either via email or as a paper copy.


Payment is to be completed by BACS or by cash. Full payment is required before or on the appointment day. Payment must be made in full unless a finance agreement is outlined.

Financial agreements for monthly payment plans are available. Please contact to discuss.  

For insurance claims, treatment must be paid in full before an invoice and receipt will be issued. These documents can then be submitted to the insurance provider.

Appointment Cancellations

Please contact if you need to reschedule an appointment. Any cancellations must be provided with 48 hours’ notice. Failure to provide 48 hours’ notice of any cancellation or reschedule will incur a cancellation fee of £20. 

Sussex Veterinary Chiropractic reserves the right to cancel any appointment at any given time due to extenuating circumstances but endeavours to notify this as soon as possible. 

Missed Appointments

If appointments are not attended to, the full treatment price and associated travel charges will still be required. Please ensure you are available for your scheduled appointment to avoid these charges.

Refusal of Treatment

Nicola of Sussex Veterinary Chiropractic reserves the right to refuse to provide treatment to any patient at any time with regard to health concerns, requirement of further veterinary intervention or unsafe circumstances. In these circumstances, an assessment fee of £20 and associated travel charges will still be required.

Insurance Claims

It is the responsibility of the animal’s owner or primary caregiver to confirm that their insurance provider will cover the cost of treatment. A referral letter from the veterinarian is required before any treatment eligible for insurance claims is provided.

Privacy Policy and Data Protection

Sussex Veterinary Chiropractic takes Data Protection and your information seriously. The Data Protection Act 2018 is the UK’s implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which Sussex Veterinary Chiropractic strictly adheres to this regulation.

Sussex Veterinary Chiropractic will never give away or sell personal data to a third party. Occasionally Nicola of Sussex Veterinary Chiropractic will contact you via email and/or phone on services and information that are appropriate to you and your animal’s treatment.

Terminology Disclosure

Nicola Benson of Sussex Veterinary Chiropractic uses the term “chiropractic” only in relation to animal treatment. Nicola does not treat humans in any capacity.

By booking an appointment with Sussex Veterinary Chiropractic, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined above.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact.